Home / Green Wall (Skyrise Greenery)
A green wall system, also known as a living wall or vertical garden, is a self-sufficient vertical planting system that allows vegetation to grow on building facades or interior walls. These systems typically include a structural support, a growing medium, an irrigation system, and carefully selected plants. Green walls can be installed both indoors and outdoors, bringing nature into urban environments and contributing to sustainable architecture.
Our team has extensive experience in designing and installing green walls suited to Singapore's tropical climate.
We tailor each green wall to meet your specific aesthetic and functional requirements.
We prioritize eco-friendly materials and water-efficient irrigation systems.
We offer comprehensive maintenance services to ensure your green wall thrives long-term.
Transform bland walls into vibrant, living art pieces.
Plants naturally filter air, removing pollutants and increasing oxygen levels.
Green walls can reduce building energy costs by providing natural insulation.
The vegetation helps absorb sound, creating quieter indoor environments.
Installation time varies based on the project size. A small indoor wall might take 1-2 days, while larger exterior projects can take 1-2 weeks.
With proper maintenance, pest issues are minimal. We use integrated pest management techniques to prevent and address any potential problems.
We recommend monthly maintenance visits to ensure optimal health. This includes pruning, pest checks, and irrigation system maintenance.
Take the first step towards creating a breathtaking vertical garden. Our green wall experts are ready to bring your vision to life!
BSG Landscape & Construction Pte Ltd was incorporated in 2003 to provide reliable and quality commercial landscaping services. We are registered Landscape Company under BCA.
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